

Илья Богдеско

Агат, 2005

ISBN: 5-91044-001-2

Pen Lettering


Ann Camp

Taplinger Publishing Company, NY, 1980

ISBN: 0-8008-6272-4


The Art of Calligraphy

A Practical Guide to the Skills and Techniques


David Harris

DK ADULT, 2005

ISBN-13: 978-0756613044

The Art of Illumination


Patricia Carter

Search Press, 2009

ISBN-13: 978-1844483853

Workshop Impression


Gottfried Pott

Hardheim: Die Kalligraphie Edition, 1989

ISBN 13: 9783926266026





Арт-Родник, 2008

ISBN 978-5-9561-0211-4

The Calligrapher's Bible

100 complete alphabets and how to draw them.


David Harris

Barrons's, 2003

ISBN-13: 978-0-7641-5615-1

Calligraphy for the Beginner


Tom Gourdie

Taplinger Publishing Company, NY, 1979

ISBN: 0-8008-1188-7

Опыт изучения письма

Основы грамматологии.


И. Гельб

Едиториал УРСС, 2004

ISBN 5-354-00903-0